What is the best way to swaddle or wrap my newborn-6months old baby when I also want to use the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?


* Most young infant’s approximately newborn-6months of age sleep more restfully when wrapped in a soft muslin swaddle or a Love to Dream wrap or baby sleeping bag with the Sleepwrap baby wrap over the top.

* When you wrap/swaddle your baby ensure it is done safely with no loose ends, then simply put the Sleepwrap over whatever baby wears to bed to help keep the swaddling in place, reducing the risk of preventable suffocation, which significantly contributes to the Cot Death/SIDS/SUDI statistic. 

* It is definitely best to use soft, breathable swaddling wrap fabrics e.g. a soft muslin fabric wrap or soft brushed cotton with the Sleepwrap baby wrap over the top.

Although many parents prefer arms down swaddling for their newborn baby, we recommend ‘arms up/out’ swaddling with the Sleepwrap over the top of whatever baby wears to bed to keep it in place. https://www.safetsleep.com/blogs/blog/3-ways-to-avoid-baby-information-overload

Arms up swaddling helps prevent baby turning face down and also opens up baby’s rib cage for easier breathing. https://www.safetsleep.com/pages/instructions

Many parents have been choosing to let their back sleeping baby have one or both arms free and up, often choosing the Love to Dream swaddle or an outfit with mittens to keep little hands warm in winter.

If you choose to side sleep baby ensure that baby's arm and shoulder are gently placed forward on the side they are sleeping on. This plus a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap helps ensure baby does not roll or creep into awkward or dangerous sleep positions. https://www.safetsleep.com/collections/sleepwrap-baby-wraps 

When choosing to side sleep baby, definitely ensure that baby's arms are gently wrapped in soft muslin or brushed cotton – with arms up ensuring the underarm is forward. Some baby’s like to have one hand free. https://www.safetsleep.com/pages/instructions

To prevent baby from developing a Flat Head remember to turn baby on alternate sides at each sleep to ensure a nice head shape.

Tummy sleeping is not recommended for young babies but if you do choose to do this it is very important to use a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap to help prevent creeping into dangerous and potentially suffocating positions. https://www.safetsleep.com/pages/suffocation-cot-death

Consider the ‘Baby Wisdom’ book which is widely consulted and has loads of practical, common sense, evidence-based tips, generic information and helpful images on the 1, 2, 3 of swaddling your newborn baby. The book also covers baby sleep TIPS for babies newborn-2years old. https://www.safetsleep.com/products/baby-wisdom-book