Frequently asked questions, our answers and advice about Safe T Sleep baby safety products. Helping babies sleep safely for over 30years.
As you can imagine, our Safe T Sleep team gets lots of questions from parents and caregivers about the baby safety products and safe sleeping for babies. We’ll do our best to answer them all, so feel free to contact us if you can’t find the answer you are looking for in the FAQ's below. These have been developed over the last 31years alongside mothers, health professionals, the Inventor of Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap and her team.
The Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap is a practical baby wrap swaddle to
compliment nurturing positive parenting and supervision skills. The Sleepwrap
baby wrap secures around most mattresses anywhere in the world and has an
attached separate piece for around baby’s torso. Suitable from newborn – 2years
old, the Sleepwrap simply goes over any type of swaddling, sleeping bag or
sleepwear for safe, snug and more restful sleep.
It helps prevent injuries and fatalities without restricting breathing
or natural movements. It also offers parents, grandparents and caregivers
significant Peace of Mind and Portable Convenience when Travelling.
Collapsible content

How important is it to read and follow instructions for the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?
When and how is my older baby able to be taught to turn within the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?
Can you sleep a baby on their tummy in the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?
At what age should I transition my baby out of the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
Is it possible to introduce the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap to an older baby over 12 – 18 months?
The Sleepwrap baby wrap fastening strips seem very noisy, what can I do?
Can I use the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap and a baby Monitor together?
Is it safe to use a 'second hand' Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
How and why should I introduce the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap to an older baby?
How do I decide which size Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap to buy?
In New Zealand will WINZ assist with the purchase of a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
Why is this product not working for me? I am angry and concerned.
Could the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap be mistaken as a sleep positioner?
Has the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap had any professional testing or trialling?
What are the dangers of using a second-hand or homemade/copycat Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?
My baby is rolling/turning and/or creeping around in the Sleepwrap – what can I do?
Baby sleeping on side, what can I do?
Is my back or side sleeping baby safer in a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap?
Can I co-sleep with my baby? Or is a bedside co-sleeper bassinet the safest baby bed?
Could the Sleepwrap pose any danger to my baby?
Can a baby overheat with a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
Can I use the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap in conjunction with a baby sleeping bag product? If used together, will my baby be too hot?
Is it safe to use a 'second hand' Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
What do I do if my baby doesn’t seem to like the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
My baby is rolling/turning and/or creeping around in the Sleepwrap – what can I do?
Baby sleeping on side, what can I do?
How may the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap assist with better baby sleep?
Can a baby overheat with a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?
Can I use the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap in conjunction with a baby sleeping bag product? If used together, will my baby be too hot?