Can a baby overheat with a Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap?

A Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap itself will not cause overheating.  The Original Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap fabric has been scientifically tested at the University of Otago New Zealand against five other cotton fabrics. 

The Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap baby wrap is made from the top quality, chemical free, 100% breathable cotton that has a specific weave, which is specifically woven for Safe T Sleep. The testing shows a ‘Tog’ rating of 0.27, which is highly breathable - especially important for young babies in the high Cot Death/SIDS/SUDI risk period, considered to be upto 6months old and for babies living in hot climates.

Since 1992 thousands of young babies in Brisbane Australia, where temperatures regularly reach well around 40 degrees Celsius in summer, use Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap products.


The most important message is to ensure that your baby is not over dressed or the room too hot and that your baby’s head and face cannot become covered when sleeping.

To check if baby’s are overheating, pediatricians tell us to feel the baby’s back, tummy and back of the neck, underneath the clothes. If your baby feels clammy or sweaty you will need to remove a layer of clothing or turn down the heating and to look at the baby’s colour. If red and sweaty, they are likely to be too hot.

Trust your instincts; and be aware of your own body temperature.

Consider the temperature of the room and also check that baby’s sleepwear is made from natural fabrics so that they are highly breathable. Ideally use bed linen that are made from natural fibres, such as 100% chemical-free, soft brushed cotton and blankets from soft wool.